Sunday, March 31, 2019



Where the focus shifts from the Stabilizing Activities of Taurus to the Mindful Action of Gemini!

Mars in Gemini 2019

The position and placement of Mars at birth reflects how we're each uniquely motivated and what calls us to Action!

It's been quite a tour for Mars this year! Donning his crown on New Year's Eve with grand entrance into the first sign of Aries.

Giving up his crown on Valentine's Day upon entering the stabilizing (fixed earth) realm of Taurus, under the rule of Venus.

And now, on the very last day of March, embarking on a journey through the Mercury ruled, sign of the Mind!

A time and a season for everything! Mars in Gemini is the perfect time for actively following through on those ideas! 

Oh, the places we'll go! And the things we'll see! Because we never really know where the thoughts and ideas may lead!

MARS through the GEMINI Constellations:

3/31-4/15 Little Bear INTUITIVE Action
4/16-4/30 Great Dog FAITHFUL Action
5/1-5/15 Great Bear THOUGHTFUL Action

Photo by Clark Tibbs

Friday, March 29, 2019

Moon & Pluto in Capricorn

Inner Moon & Pluto Power

MOON meets PLUTO in CAPRICORN where Useful Ideals are key!

Moon & Pluto in Capricorn

This area of Capricorn is ruled by Structural Teacher (SATURN) and co-ruled by the Mind (MERCURY).

It's where Saturn teaches about the structure of Mind, and now Pluto is here teaching the power of Mind.

The SUN travels through this area of Capricorn Jan11-Jan20. Folks born during this time have high ideals!

The constellation for this area of Capricorn is PISCES AUSTRALIS; the third fish constellated above!

The two fish of Pisces reflect the beliefs and understandings of the (Inner & Outer) divisions of mind.

In the triune nature of Mind, the third fish in high climbing Capricorn reflects the (Higher) mind.

The three divisions of mind; Outer conscious, Inner subconscious, and Higher superconscious.

As the story goes, it takes the Inner & Outer getting on the same page, for reaching the highest ideals!

Moon & Saturn in Capricorn

Inner Moon & Saturn Structure

MOON meets SATURN in CAPRICORN with Useful Dedication towards Inner Harmonization!

Birth-chart Tapestry
Birth-chart Tapestry
The constellation for this area of Capricorn is DELPHINUS the heavenly Dolphin depicted above; quite naturally dedicated to Structural Harmony.

This area of Capricorn is ruled by Structural Teacher SATURN and co-ruler by Lady Love VENUS. Again! Saturn Teachings and Venus Harmonization.

The SUN travels through this area of Capricorn Dec31-Jan10. Those born during this time are greatly drawn to the musical varieties of harmonization.

This is true as well for those with other planets or points here at birth. Notably, the Dolphin is a longstanding symbol of sound waves and healing.

For us all, the Inner Self gets a class on recognizing the Inner Structure, a.k.a. the many Aspects of Self! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


In a free and clear spiritual state of mind, many aspects practice harmonization.

Astrology is an amazing tool for getting acquainted with our own personal choir! The extraordinary Inner Structure that goes with our Sun Sign!

For this one, we see the Inner Self (Natal Moon) is highly interested in the energy of Useful Dedication towards harmonizing the Inner Structure.

Lots of Lunar action today! As the Inner MOON meets Powerful PLUTO in the next decan of Capricorn, for a class on the Inner Power of Useful Ideals!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mercury Direct in Pisces

Mind & Imagination

MERCURY goes direct in the company of Great Mystic NEPTUNE!

Mercury Direct in Pisces

The Mercury Rx Mission on Calendar Reform concludes with Complete Dedication to the Imagination! 

While Easter and the first full moon following Spring Equinox were the "hot topics" of this retrograde period.

The biggest realization of Mind is the great and dire need for a restructuring of the months themselves!

A Celestial Calendar of attunement! Providing us all with the greatest opportunity Universal Understanding.

Our relation to the SUN is how we mark the year, yet the months are misaligned to our Celestial Sphere.

Due to this misalignment, the months are quite disconnected from the MOON, which rules the monthly cycle!

The MOON throughout its phases, transits the whole celestial sphere in one month, as the SUN does in one year.

The monthly Moon phases, occur in direct relation to the position of the Sun. Yes, they go together!

Quite aptly reflected in the Celestial Months of CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES, and now in ARIES.

Where the quarter moon phases match the (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable) mode of each Celestial Month.

Occasionally, we see five quarter moon phases in one Celestial Month, like currently with the Sun in Aries.

Celestial Month of ARIES:

Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)
Cappie Waning MOON (cardinal earth)
Aries NEW MOON (cardinal fire)
Cancer Waxing MOON (cardinal water)
Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)

Celestial Month of PISCES:

Virgo FULL MOON (mutable earth) 
Sag. Half Waning MOON (mutable fire) 
Pisces NEW MOON (mutable water)
Gemini Half Waxing MOON (mutable air) 

Celestial Month of AQUARIUS:

Leo FULL MOON/ECLIPSE (fixed fire)
Scorpio Waning MOON (fixed water)
Aquarius NEW MOON (fixed air)
Taurus Waxing MOON (fixed earth)

Celestial Month of CAPRICORN:

Cancer FULL MOON (cardinal water)
Libra Half Waning MOON (cardinal air)
Capricorn NEW MOON (cardinal earth)

Aries Half Waxing MOON (cardinal fire)

Image: Sky Map

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

CAPRICORN Half Waning Moon


In high climbin' CAPRICORN where Useful Organization is key!

Capricorn Half Waning Moon

As we’re halfway through this inner (cleanse & release) cycle, seems like perfect timing for that big spring clean!

And the Moon is still under the bright glow of Jupiter's full awareness theme! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


Full outer awareness of mind where cultivated thought forms, harmonize gleefully.

Full Outer Awareness! Knowledge of what the mind is doing, so it may be directed towards productive thinking.

The Half Waning Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon; leading up to the Aries New Moon (fresh start) on April 5th.

Photo by Ryk Naves

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Moon & Jupiter in Sagittarius

Inner Expansion

MOON meets JUPITER in high aiming Sagittarius where the Illumination of (full awareness) is key!

Moon & Jupiter in Sagittarius

The constellation here is SAGITTA the great celestial Arrow reflecting action towards a particular aim.

This first (moon meetup) of Aries Season aptly reflects the energies of all three fire signs; Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries.

Sagittarius vision plus Leo willpower and the creative activity of Aries! The Sabian picture symbol for this meetup degree:


A highly valued developing outer aspect is closely aligned with and aware of his multifaceted willpower.

Venus in Pisces

Venus Value & Pisces Experience 

VENUS enters PISCES where we assess 

the Value of our Experiences!

Venus in Pisces 2019

Pisces reflects the advanced classes where the finals are taken, just before lessons begin anew in Aries.

Venus and Mercury both began this current celestial tour on 3/6/18. Entering Aries together, on the very same day!

Venus now recaps her journey through the previous eleven signs, with a grand tour of Pisces until April 17th.

The Sabian picture symbol for this first Pisces degree reflects assessing the value gained throughout the year.

IN A CROWDED MARKET FARMERS AND MIDDLEMEN DISPLAY THEIR GOODS. In a busy place of mind where value is assessed, aspects that cultivate and promote knowledge present their goods.

Venus reflects our own unique (likes and dislikes). Easy to see, how "Value" might very well even be her middle name!

Photo by Steve Halama

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mercury Rx & Neptune in Pisces

Mercury Mind & Neptune Imagination

MERCURY Rx meets the Great Mystic in PISCES with Complete Dedication to True Principles 

Mercury Rx & Neptune in Pisces

A lil' reminder as we begin the celestial year, what is envisioned and projected, eventually manifests out into the world. The picture symbol for this degree:


First full inner awareness,1st Full Moon after Equinox (Easter): aspects viewed as having great or little value, all present their best.

Notably, this alignment lasts for 5 days! It's during this Mind & Imagination meetup that Mercury will conclude its Rx Mission on Calendar Reform.

This year, Easter is slated for the Sunday following the second full moon instead of the Sunday following the first one, which would be today, March 24th.

Lots of Pisces Complete Dedication and Capricorn Productive Use over the next 5 days! All during this (Imaginative Mind Rx) meetup of Mercury & Neptune!

Mar26 Morning Star VENUS enters PISCES

Mar27 Half Waning MOON in CAPRICORN
Mar28 MERCURY goes Direct in PISCES

Photo by Rene Bernal

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

LIBRA Full Moon

First FULL MOON of the Celestial Year! 

Since ancient times, this first Full Moon has been the annual marker for EASTER

Spring Equinox 2019

The first Full Moon after the Sun passes over from the fall/winter half of the year to the spring/summer half, as the Sun enters Aries.

Perhaps this extraordinary Full Moon on the Spring Equinox is a very rare and epic event! The fifth full moon in a row, at zero degrees!

The other two full moons that occurred on Spring Equinox in the previous century actually took place just before the Sun entered Aries.

Traditionally, if there was still attention given to the celestial motions, Easter would be recognized this Sunday on March 24th.

Notably, this Sunday the planetary energies of the (mind) Mercury Rx and the (inner mystic) Neptune will meetup on an Easter degree.

There are 360 picture symbols that reflect each degree of our celestial sphere that's used to mark the path of the planetary bodies.

Out of these 360 picture symbols, it appears there are only two which mention Easter and we just saw the other one, back in January.

The Universe sure seems interested in Easter this year! Checkout the January meetup of Venus & Jupiter on the other Easter degree!

Here in the Midwest, there’s an old saying to wait until after Easter, before planting the garden! Looks like this year, it's experiment time!

The Sabian picture symbol for this LIBRA Full Moon degree reflects the full expression of cardinal air energy; leading the way with thought!


Directed awareness that sinks-in makes for perfect transformation. 

Original Photo by K15 Photos


Passover from winter to spring as the SUN enters ARIES

Followed just four hours later by the First Full Moon of the Celestial Year!

Aries Astrology 2019

An extraordinary celestial event preceded by four consecutive full moons occurring at zero degrees of the four previous signs Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini.

Now the fifth full moon at zero degrees! In Libra, exactly opposite the Sun. As the Inner Moon rules the fall/winter, so the Outer Sun rules the spring/summer.

This year is so epic because the Moon will transfer the ‘Crown of the Seasons’ to the Sun from the exact degree where the Moon dons the crown each autumn.

Both the Outer Sun and the Full Inner Moon are positioned on their (crown donning degrees) just as this 
transition of transferring the seasonal crown occurs!

Spring Equinox 2019

Easter is generally recognized on the Sunday following this first full moon after Spring Equinox. Anciently it was viewed as time of honoring the Inner Self.

In autumn when the Moon dons the crown from this degree, there's a long held custom of blowing a Ram’s Horn that kicks off a 10-day honoring of the Sun.

As there seems to be no set date, as to when one Age ends and another begins, have to wonder if this epic equinox, might be marking such an extraordinary event.

Notably at this time, three of the great teachers Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune are all touring their own celestial lands, and the Mercury Rx Mission is Calendar Reform!

The Ancients drew intricate picture symbols over the constellations that tell an epic story of the celestial influences; relaying the story of Creation and of Man.  

The winter half of the year draws to a close with PISCES Understanding of Experiences, as the summer half begins with the Great Ram of ARIES, leading the way!

FIRE is the element of expansion, the fire signs are known for having great spirit! ARIES is the only cardinal fire sign, expansively led by the energy of spirit!

The focus now shifts from the (mutable) maneuverability of Pisces Season to that of (cardinal) leadership energy for this first celestial month of ARIES.

The SUN tours (cardinal) Aries 3/20-4/20 where charging ahead with Expansive Creative Energy and the Activities of Spring are key!

As the Inner MOON covers the (cardinal energy) expression of all four elements; FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER.


Mar20 Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)
Mar27 Cappie Waning MOON (cardinal earth)
Apr5 Aries NEW MOON (cardinal fire)
Apr12 Cancer Waxing MOON (cardinal water)
Apr19 Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)

Aries Season Planetary Meetups

Mar24-29 MERCURY Rx/NEPTUNE – "Easter"

Aries Season Moon Meetups

– Inner and OUTER 

Aries Season Energetic Shifts

Mar26 VENUS in PISCES – Value/Experience
Mar31 MARS in GEMINI – Mindful Action
Apr3 VESTA in ARIES – Inner Flame Activity
Apr17 MERCURY in ARIES – Creative Mind

Aries Season Retrogrades

Mar28 MERCURY goes Direct
Apr9 CERES Rx Mission
Apr10 JUPITER Rx Mission

Cover Photo by Jordan Donaldson

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Venus Return in Aquarius

VENUS Return

Lady Love returns to her natal position in Aquarius, where the theme is Discovery of the Unknown!

Birth-chart Tapestry
Birth-chart Tapestry

The constellation for this area of Aquarius is the largest constellation of all! The great sea monster CETUS.

A sea monster is symbolic of (unknown thought forms) in the experiences, a.k.a. unconscious thinking.

Unaware thoughts or thinking that repeats over and over. Luckily, the motto here in Aquarius is "I KNOW."

Aquarius is the Water Bearer (bringer of experience), and sign of the Star (higher awareness).

The mission of this Natal Venus is all about greater awareness! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:

A WOMAN IS DISAPPOINTED, AS A MAN LEAVES HER BOUDOIR. Inner displeasure as the outer self disengages from the place in mind for creating.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Saint Patrick's Day Irish Asteroids


Happy St. Patrick’s Day plus a Holiday History Tour!

Irish Asteroids

O' the luck of the Irish themed asteroids! Meeting the great mystic Neptune and backtracking Mercury Rx on St. Patrick’s Day! In the poetic Pisces realm of Complete Dedication to Understanding the Experiences.

Asteroid 10501 Ardmacha: was given the ancient Gaelic name for the Northern Ireland town of Armagh, said to have been founded by St. Patrick in 445 A.D. Where he set twelve men to work building the town that would come to be known as “the City of Saints and Scholars” and also the home-place of his original cathedral, built in 457 A.D.

Asteroid 10502 ArmaghObs: was named for the Observatory built there in 1790. The city of Armagh has been viewed as an educational centre since the time of Saint Patrick. Rather like a Holiday History Tour compliments of the Cosmos!

The coming month brings even more planetary action with connections to the past. As Transformative Pluto and Structural Saturn both meet the South Node, each for a stint lasting several days.

Original Image: Sky Map

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sun & Mercury Rx in Pisces


For the last planetary meetup of the Celestial Year! 

Sun & Mercury Rx in Pisces

Outer Self catches the backtracking Mind in Pisces for a year end review of Understanding the Experiences!

The Sun now takes lead position in front of Mercury across the degrees, entering Aries way before Mercury does.

Yet, Mercury will rise first each day with the Sun to follow. The Sun now in position to keep a close eye on the Mind!

Just as the Sun prepares to takes charge of the Summer half of the year, donning the crown on Spring Equinox.

Notably, the Inner Moon will turn over the crown to the Outer Sun from the very spot where it took charge in the Fall.

It has been an extraordinary year of watching these planetary rulerships! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 


Following substantial life changes a pure clarity within the hierarchy of self, leads anew.

Photo by Yuri Bodrikhin

Gemini Half Waxing Moon

Inner Build Mode in Gemini

Half Waxing MOON in Gemini where Reasoning of the Conscious Mind is key

Gemini Half Waxing Moon

Gemini is the sign of the Mind! The twin stars Castor and Pollux reflect the conscious and subconscious mind.

The Gemini constellation for the big ole Conscious Reasoning Mind is Ursa Major; the Big Bear or Big Dipper.

Throughout every season of the year, the two outer most stars of this dipper always point to the pole star of truth.

The North Star of Truth! In the Gemini constellation of the Subconscious Intuitive Mind; the Little Bear or Little Dipper.

Yes, the whole story of mankind and his role in this magnificent creation, really appears to be written in the stars!

The Sabian picture symbol for the degree of this last lunation of the celestial year quite aptly reflects the power of the Reasoning Mind.

CHILDREN SKATING OVER A FROZEN VILLAGE POND. Developing aspects enjoy mental movement, over and above the still unchanging collective experiences.

A good reminder to have fun and enjoy the journey even amidst the current collective conditions and attitudes.

Inner Build Mode for 6 more days, leading up to the epic full moon on Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Aries!

Like synchronized clockwork of the grandest design, the Half Waxing Moon rises at noon and sets midnight.

Original Photo by Michael Chupik

Monday, March 11, 2019

Moon & Mars in Taurus

Inner Action!

MOON meets MARS in TAURUS where the struggle between worldly desires and higher aspirations, becomes clear.

Moon & Mars in Taurus

ORION is the constellation for this area of Taurus, the tales of this epic character reflect both the celestial lesson plan and the struggle between heart and mind.

Notably, this decan of Taurus is ruled by Venus (heart) and Mercury (mind). Oh, to get them both on the same page! The picture symbol for this meetup degree:


The struggle between a means for “transforming the thinking” and a means for “expanding the awareness.”

Photo by Richardo Cruz

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Moon & Uranus in Taurus

MOON meets URANUS in TAURUS with Sudden Insight and Inner Determination for Valuable Experience!

Moon & Uranus in Taurus

Perfect timing for gaining another hour of daylight each evening, as Daylight Savings Time began just a mere 31 minutes prior this Insightful Inner meetup!

URANUS just made grand entrance into the Taurus realm of Value, after finishing up an 8 year tour of Insightful Creative Activity in the first sign of Aries.

The Sabian picture symbol here, brings attention to the power of the will! A big theme with the recent Moon & Mercury Rx meetup on the very last celestial degree!

A CLEAR MOUNTAIN STREAM FLOWS THROUGH A ROCKY DEFILE. Experiences that flow through the channel of the will, are easiest to perceive and understand.

Image: Google Sky Map

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Moon & Mercury Rx in Pisces

Inner Mind Rx

MOON meets MERCURY Rx in PISCES on the very last degree of the celestial wheel, where this Natal Sun is certainly feelin’ the squeeze!

Birth-chart Tapestry
Healer Chiron with an orbit of 50 years, just finished tapping this Natal Sun. Bringing full outer awareness to the areas where healing still needs to be!

An Inner Mind (Moon/Mercury Rx) meetup on the last celestial degree, occurring right next to Chiron may provide an inner prescription for healing all around for everyone!

A perfect follow up to the Creative Inspiration of the Pisces New Moon and the Moon/Neptune plus Sun/Neptune meetups covering both the Inner and Outer Imagination.

Oh, the power of the Mind combined with the Inner Will! Look out Baby, there’s no stopping thee! The Sabian picture symbol for this Moon/Mercury Rx meetup degree:

A SEER'S DREAM NOW LIVES: A FACE CARVED INTO HUGE ROCKS. By means of extraordinary insight, an ideal is brought to life: the outer identity has merged with the will.

Speaking of extraordinary insight! The next Inner Moon meetup is with the expert in this field! The eccentric, electric, sudden and extraordinary insight of Revolutionary Uranus!

Image: Birth-chart tapestry, Natal Sun gets the big squeeze at 0°
Aries, on the Spring Equinox point, and very first degree of our magnificent celestial sphere!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sun & Neptune in Pisces

SUN meets Mystic NEPTUNE in PISCES with Complete Dedication to the Outer Imagination!

Sun & Neptune in Pisces

A lil’ reminder from the Universe! The outer vision always gets imprinted on the creative functioning of the inner mind. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:

EASTER: RICH AND POOR ALIKE DISPLAY THE BEST THEY OWN. Full inner awareness, at the first Full Moon after Spring Equinox (Easter): aspects viewed as having great or little value, all present their best.

Notably this is the same degree where the Mercury Rx Mission will conclude, at the end of March. The celestial connections to Easter are in the spotlight!

This Easter is scheduled for the Sunday after the second full moon instead of the first one that occurs just hours after the Sun enters Aries at Spring Equinox.

Cover Photo by Land Song

Moon & Neptune in Pisces

Complete Dedication to the Inner Imagination

Just hours following the New Moon in Pisces

Moon & Neptune in Pisces

Then later, the Outer SUN meets NEPTUNE here too! New Moon Creative Inspiration followed by Complete Dedication to the Inner & Outer Imagination.

A little reminder from Universe that what we inwardly envision eventually manifests out into the world. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


Full inner awareness, at the first Full Moon after Spring Equinox (Easter): aspects viewed as having great or little value, all present their best.

Notably this is the same degree where the Mercury Rx Mission will conclude, at the end of March. The celestial connections to Easter are in the spotlight!

Spring Equinox 2019

This Easter is scheduled for the Sunday after the second full moon instead of the first one that occurs just hours after the Sun enters Aries at Spring Equinox.

Cover Photo by Rene Bernal


Perfectly Poetic Pisces

Inner Moon meets the Outer Sun with complete dedication to Creative Inspiration!

Pisces New Moon

Immediately after this Pisces New Moon, both SUN & MOON meet the energy of Imagination; the great mystic Neptune!

Neptune is a big player, in his own domain of Pisces until 2026. The Sabian picture symbol for this final New Moon of the celestial year:


In an area of mind where long standing beliefs are held, the  creative imagination receives inspiration. 

Sounds very familiar! The realm of Pisces is all about beliefs and the Imaginative Mind of (Mercury & Neptune) just met here in February.

Photo by Kevin Laminto

Uranus in Taurus

Freedom & Stability

URANUS enters TAURUS with Determination and Stabilizing Insight

Freedom & Stability

The Sudden Insight of Uranus gets a big shift of focus, a perfect follow up to the last 8 years of Insightful Action in Aries.

URANUS now brings certainty, value, and tangible stability to the creative activities put into place over the last 8 years.

The glyph for Uranus even looks like a satellite for instantaneous receptivity! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


Experiences that flow through the channel of the will, are easiest to perceive and understand.

Uranus in Taurus goes perfectly with the Mercury Rx degree where extraordinary insight brings the ideal to life!

Photo by Florian Schneider

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

MERCURY Rx Mission

Calendar Reform 

MERCURY Rx in PISCES on the very last celestial degree! 

Mercury Rx in Pisces

Mercury backtracks to where Neptune is now, on a degree that speaks of EASTER (first full moon) after Spring Equinox.

Equinox occurs as the Sun passes over from Pisces to Aries, what Mercury would be doing if there was no retrograde tour.

The MOON & SUN meet tomorrow at the New Moon, then both align with Neptune ruler of Pisces on this Easter degree.

Anciently, Easter was the honoring of the Inner Moon after the Outer Sun dons the crown for the Summer half of the year.

The celestial connection to Easter is nearly lost. Nowadays, Easter is on the Sunday following this first full moon.

Except for this year! Hence, the Mercury Rx Mission for Calendar Reform! A tuning back in to the perfect celestial timepiece.

The Sabian picture symbol for this last degree of the Celestial Lesson Plan even speaks to both the Inner & Outer aspects of man.


Extraordinary insight brings the ideal to life: the outer identity has merged with the inner will.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Moon & Venus in Aquarius

Storms - A necessity for growth

MOON meets VENUS in AQUARIUS with 

super receptive Inner Knowing


Inner Self aligns with the (likes & dislikes) of Venus in the thought stabilizing Aquarian realm of authentic expression!

Quite fitting, as the Midwest braces for a whopper of a late winter storm! The Sabian picture symbol for this meetup degree:


Out of the blue, restless thinking brings about a much needed change for the purpose of personal growth.

Photo by Justin Novello

Friday, March 1, 2019

Moon & Pluto in Capricorn

Inner Moon & Pluto Power 

MOON meets PLUTO in high climbin' CAPRICORN where Useful Ideals Offer Great Reward!

Moon & Pluto in Capricorn

Where the attention goes, so the energy flows! A useful ideal keeps the attention on a higher principle, purpose, goal, or aim.

Holding a higher focus through all life's distractions, takes discipline and courage! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


A disciplined aspect working for security and freedom receives dual accolades for courage.

Transformative Pluto has an orbital period of 248 years. Pluto teaches "Powerful Purpose" on this degree, through March.

Moon & Saturn in Capricorn

Inner Structure

MOON meets SATURN in high climbin' CAPRICORN where we bring our gifts into the world, and put’em to use!

Inner Structure

A perfect compliment to the epic new adventure of Venus in Aquarius with Receptive Knowing of the Authentic Self!

A flag symbolizes the collective identity of a whole country, institution, or individual. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


The true identity is displayed by a transformative new means of moving through the life experiences.

Wise-one Saturn says; "Yes, Lil' Grasshopper keep exploring! For the great "Know Thyself" maxim is truly a lifelong mission."

The Art of Transformation is also high on the list today! As the Moon meets Pluto with Powerful Inner Purpose!

Photo by Justin Luebke

Venus in Aquarius

Receptive Knowing

VENUS enters AQUARIUS where the freedom to be me a.k.a. Authentic Originality is key!

Inner Knowing

Lady Love tours Aquarius through March 26th with great receptivity to all that reminds us of our own personal calling.

Paying close attention to all the things that reawaken us to what we really love. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


A longstanding place in mind with a higher purpose, amidst the mundane obstacles in life.

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs! Pointing, reminding, and reawakening us to our own personal gifts and passions.

Time to embrace that little mission hidden away in the hilly challenges of life; letting our own flag fly, and true identity shine!

A theme that carries through to the 
(Inner Structure) and (Inner Power) meetups of the Moon, Saturn and Pluto, later today.

Photo by Samuel Zeller