Where the focus shifts from the Stabilizing Activities of Taurus to the Mindful Action of Gemini!
It's been quite a tour for Mars this year! Donning his crown on New Year's Eve with grand entrance into the first sign of Aries.
Giving up his crown on Valentine's Day upon entering the stabilizing (fixed earth) realm of Taurus, under the rule of Venus.
And now, on the very last day of March, embarking on a journey through the Mercury ruled, sign of the Mind!
A time and a season for everything! Mars in Gemini is the perfect time for actively following through on those ideas!
Oh, the places we'll go! And the things we'll see! Because we never really know where the thoughts and ideas may lead!
MARS through the GEMINI Constellations:
3/31-4/15 Little Bear INTUITIVE Action4/16-4/30 Great Dog FAITHFUL Action
5/1-5/15 Great Bear THOUGHTFUL Action
Photo by Clark Tibbs