Mind & Imagination
MERCURY goes direct in the company of Great Mystic NEPTUNE!
The Mercury Rx Mission on Calendar Reform concludes with Complete Dedication to the Imagination!
While Easter and the first full moon following Spring Equinox were the "hot topics" of this retrograde period.
The biggest realization of Mind is the great and dire need for a restructuring of the months themselves!
A Celestial Calendar of attunement! Providing us all with the greatest opportunity Universal Understanding.
Our relation to the SUN is how we mark the year, yet the months are misaligned to our Celestial Sphere.
Due to this misalignment, the months are quite disconnected from the MOON, which rules the monthly cycle!
The MOON throughout its phases, transits the whole celestial sphere in one month, as the SUN does in one year.
The monthly Moon phases, occur in direct relation to the position of the Sun. Yes, they go together!
Quite aptly reflected in the Celestial Months of CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES, and now in ARIES.
Where the quarter moon phases match the (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable) mode of each Celestial Month.
Occasionally, we see five quarter moon phases in one Celestial Month, like currently with the Sun in Aries.
Celestial Month of ARIES:
Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)Cappie Waning MOON (cardinal earth)
Aries NEW MOON (cardinal fire)
Cancer Waxing MOON (cardinal water)
Libra FULL MOON (cardinal air)
Celestial Month of PISCES:
Virgo FULL MOON (mutable earth)Sag. Half Waning MOON (mutable fire)
Pisces NEW MOON (mutable water)
Gemini Half Waxing MOON (mutable air)
Celestial Month of AQUARIUS:
Leo FULL MOON/ECLIPSE (fixed fire)Scorpio Waning MOON (fixed water)
Aquarius NEW MOON (fixed air)
Taurus Waxing MOON (fixed earth)
Celestial Month of CAPRICORN:
Cancer FULL MOON (cardinal water)Libra Half Waning MOON (cardinal air)
Capricorn NEW MOON (cardinal earth)
Aries Half Waxing MOON (cardinal fire)
Image: Sky Map
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