Saturday, March 21, 2015

Love Signs

You know how it is when you fall in love.  Often times they’re everything you’re not – you are attracted to them like crazy and adore them for these ‘energetic differences’.

After a while, you’re all settled in, the honeymoon’s drawing to a close and these ‘differences’ begin to create some friction.  Before you know it you’re butting heads.
For instance, let’s look at the basic motivation and nature, of both the Fish and Ram.
ARIES the 1st house, orientated toward ‘SELF’ (most aggressive of the signs)
PISCES the 12th house, orientated toward the ‘ALL' (most compassionate & receptive)
It would appear that one of us might be rather selfish, while the other may seem to only be interested in the well-being of others.  It’s not hard to see how these opposite traits could become a real challenge.
Especially for a Ram, who is generally geared toward the self and finds it most difficult to view the world from another’s perspective.  Unlike the Fish, who slips into someone else’s shoes with the utmost ease, agility and compassion.
What’s one to do when they find themselves in such a predicament, when the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing, begins to wear thin?
Luckily for this Fish and Ram – a book called Love Signs, by Linda Goodman – came along. Everyday stories of each sign, both male and female and their interactions with each of the 12 signs, it’s quite brilliant.
It was really my first step toward self-awareness.  It’s one thing to go through your whole life just acting however you act.  But when you start reading about how you act, it becomes a whole different story!  Many of the Aries(Ram) sections were quite a rude awakening, it was like witnessing how I act.
Never once, did I ever think that “I” had any issues.  Wowzers! 
Not only that, there was also a huge, new realization.  My perception was completely wrong about everybody!  Turns out, I had virtually no understanding of the 12 signs.  When one begins to learn about the nature and motivations of the 12 sun sign archetypes, there is no longer the need to speculate as to why this and why not that. 
When one understands - all that’s left is - understanding.
-The Ram


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