Friday, March 27, 2015

Castaneda - The Power of Silence

“An apprentice is someone who is striving to clear and revive his connecting link with the spirit.”

“The entire truth is that spirit reveals itself to everyone with the same intensity and consistency.”
‘Manifestations of Spirit’
“The story says that once upon a time there was a man, an average man without any special attributes.  He was, like everyone else, a conduit for the spirit.  And by virtue of that, like everyone else, he was part of the spirit, part of the abstract.  But he didn’t know it.  The world kept him so busy that he had neither the time nor the inclination to really examine the matter.
“The spirit tried, uselessly, to reveal their connection.  Using an inner voice, the spirit disclosed its secrets, but the man was incapable of understanding the revelations.  Naturally, he heard the inner voice, but he believed it to be his own feeling he was feeling and his own thoughts he was thinking.”
“The spirit, in order to shake him out of his slumber, gave him three signs, three successive manifestations.  The spirit physically crossed the man’s path in the most obvious manner.  But the man was oblivious to anything but his self-concern.” 

The basic energetic theory here is that we all have an inner-self/soul and a higher-self/spirit.  With the mind/mental field that exists in between them.  The mental field is where the inner-critic resides, the part who wants to prevent - any kind of change.
When the mind is quiet and in a receptive, attentive alpha state, it allows for communication between the inner and the higher, aspects of self.  Allowing for a connection and flow energies that are unavailable to us when we're engaged with the inner-critic, in any manner.

-The Ram

(Excerpts from The Power of Silence by Carlos Castaneda in quotations)

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