Monday, March 30, 2015

Castaneda - The Second Ring of Power

“Don Juan said that the core of our being was the act of perceiving, and that the magic of our being was the act of awareness.  For him perception and awareness were a single, functional, inextricable unit, a unit which had two domains.”

“Our ‘first ring of power’ is engaged very early in our lives and we live under the impression that that is all there is to us.  Our ‘second ring of power’ remains hidden for the immense majority of us, and only at the moment of our death is it revealed to us.”
Upon departure, one’s life flashes before their eyes.  In this moment of release from the physical, everything is perceived, all at once.  Our perception can be greatly enhanced during life, we need not wait until death to truly ‘see’.   –The Ram  

“She laughed with true delight and said that the Nagual was right in saying that I was too lazy to remember what I had “seen”; therefore, I only bothered with what I looked at.”
“Is it possible, I thought to myself, that I am unconsciously selecting what I recall?”
“The Nagual said that everyone can see, and yet we choose not to remember what we see.  Now I understand how right he was.  All of us can see; some, more than others.” 

The Fish taught me this fact with one of his imagination experiments.  It was a short task, only took a few moments to imagine it with the eyes open.  After finishing, he said to me; “Okay, so where were you?”
To my shock and amazement, the whole scene took place while I was sitting in a workshop on a tall stool, in front of a butcher-block workbench.  There were all kinds of tools hanging around on the walls, even had an image of what the outside of the workshop looked like.
The strangest part of all were the markers involved.  The markers on the workbench were like none I’d ever seen before! 
So why on Earth would my mind have created markers and a workshop I’d never seen before in such detail, just to imagine drawing some circles on paper?  Would’ve had absolutely no idea about any of those details, if the Fish hadn’t asked where I was.

-The Ram

(Excerpts from The Second Ring of Power by Carlos Castaneda in quotations)

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