Sunday, November 1, 2015

He Kissed the Girl!

In a dream last night, was leaving a RESTAURANT with GLENN.  At the DOOR was an OLDER MAN and his grown daughter who were both NATIVE AMERICAN.  Glenn tells them a joke.  Guess it had something to do with a KISS, because all of a sudden he grabs the GIRL and passionately kisses her, for a while too!  We were camping and went back to our CAMPSITE, he thought everything was fine, but I was ACTING upset.

In most dreams, everyone in the dream represents an aspect of the dreamer. We’re extraordinary, multifaceted beings!  In waking life we recognize only the ‘whole-self’ in the subconscious dream-realm we are seen as the ‘many parts’.  In a dream, people of the opposite sex represent a subconscious aspect of self, persons of the same sex, a conscious aspect of self.

RESTAURANT - a place in mind to receive knowledge (food/knowledge)
GLENN – main subconscious aspect
DOOR – access to places in the mind
NATIVE AMERICAN OLDER MAN – mature subconscious aspect, not recognized as part of self
NATIVE AMERICAN GIRL – conscious aspect, not recognized as part of self
KISS – loving acknowledgement of an aspect of self
CAMPSITE – a place in mind having to do with creation (nature/creation)
ACTING – the dreamer’s use of imagination

In this dream, part of me knew that Glenn kissing the girl was a good thing.  Yet, there was a conscious decision made to ‘act upset’.  Perhaps in some way, this represents a pattern of behavior going on in waking life.  All in all, am very grateful for this insight into dreams.  In the old days… would’ve been in a pretty bad mood, seeing the 'Fish' kiss another girl like that!  Lol!
-The Ram

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Inner Experience

Meditation is a hot topic, everyone seems to be doing it, but nobody’s talking about it.  And yes, there are a lot of different ideas as to, what the whole purpose for meditation actually is.  For myself, it has always been about the inner experience.  As if, some part of myself KNOWS the wealth of knowledge to be gained.

As one goes into deeper states of mind, brief experiences of the mystical nature will most likely occur.  So brief in fact, it may seem as if no sense will ever be made out of any of it!  Perhaps that’s why nobody’s talking.
So let’s explore these elusive ‘deeper states of mind’.  Scientifically, they can be defined as brainwave frequency levels.  When awake most of us function at Beta frequency, as we relax and just before falling asleep we enter Alpha frequency, at this time more of the brain is lit up and the pupils are larger.
If you can stay awake and hang in Alpha long enough, being open, quiet and receptive, then you’re on to Theta frequency.  At Theta, the brain is lit up like a Christmas tree!  The receiving station is now open! 
This is all good and well, but the hitch is, if a thought occurs about what you’re experiencing, you get kicked right out of Theta straight back to Beta, not slowing down enough to even sniff Alpha.  As soon as a thought occurs, poof!  Experience gone!
The trick is, reaching and sustaining the Theta frequency, allowing for the experience to unfold.  Receiving the communication/feedback from the higher-self, sub-conscious mind or Spirit, whichever is your view.
The sustainability of Theta frequency can easily be achieved if one has the desire, through the use of sound/vibration.  My preference is Native American drumming, this vibration allows one to stay in the Theta state, even if a thought or two happens to pop up.
Note that Theta frequency is usually only reached in the ‘dream state’ during sleep.  So in a way, the inner/Theta experience could be defined as ‘conscious dreaming’.  Dreams offer us valuable communication from sub-conscious mind or inner/higher self, as does the inner experience.
Many of these inner experiences can be interpreted and understood symbolically, as in FUNCTION vs. FORM.  Writing them down is essential, they are like dreams and will fade from memory quickly.  Write on one side of the page, then pick out the symbols and define them on the other side.  You’ll be amazed at the discoveries!
Click here for three wonderful reference guides for FUNCTION vs. FORM (Universal Language of Mind)
Note that one’s vibratory level may be a factor in the quality of the inner experience.  The vibratory level directly corresponds to the quality of energies one is resonating with.  Click here for more information on vibratory levels.

-The Ram


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spider Energy

The Universe Speaks!
Spider on my speedometer today - a message from the Universe?

What if everything we encounter in our daily life is a reflection of various energies.  The Universe using the energy of nature as one means of communicating with us.  The ancients knew about this, have we simply forgotten?
Spider energy represents creativity and the weaving of fate.  Their two-section body is likened to the infinity symbol, plus they have eight legs.  Drawing attention to the energy that connects past, present and future.  What we weave now affects both the past and the future. 
The spider is a master weaver, a symbol of creative power – reflected in its ability to spin a silken web.  The spider reminds us that the world is woven around us.  We are the keepers and the writers of our own destiny, weaving it like a web with our own thoughts, feelings and actions.
Perhaps the message here is to pay attention to the speed of what’s being weaved!
Reference: Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
-The Ram


Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to Measure Vibratory Levels

Every single thing in this world has a vibratory level, every person, animal, company, book, etc.  Your own personal energetic make-up can detect and actually measure the vibration of anything.  Energy knows energy.

We are energetic beings, by learning to recognize and discern just how we operate in terms of energy, a whole new world is opened up to us.  Right before our very eyes!
Energy is always flowing, moving, resonating with various frequencies and energetic influences.  In other words, vibratory levels can and do change.  For a brief explanation of vibratory levels click here.
pendulum – a tool used for measurement; confirmation and Soul growth
Think of it as an experiment, find a local metaphysical shop and check out their pendulum selection.  Pick the one you’re most drawn to and try it out.  Hold it between the thumb and forefinger over your other open palm, breathe and relax.  Switch hands if it doesn’t move.
If there’s any energetic movement of the pendulum over either hand you’re all set.  If not, it’s completely okay, actually it’s a good thing, bringing awareness that there may be an energetic blockage present. 
By simply looking into the chakras as energy transducers and how they relate to us on a physical level, it may be enough to open up the energetic flow required to affect the pendulum.  At the present time, most of us have little to no knowledge of our basic energetic structure.
In a quiet receptive state hold it hanging still in front of your heart with hand/arm in a secured position.  Begin by asking if something vibrates over 100.  For confirmation or ‘yes’ it will swing out forward like it’s pushing away from the body, for ‘no’ the movement will be side to side.
Keep asking until you have the vibratory level narrowed down to the actual number.  This is a powerful method for understanding energy, vibratory levels and ourselves.  An excellent tool for measuring our own individual progress as well.
You know how it is, you make all these marvelous changes and after a while, you begin to wonder if it really made any difference at all.  Often times, falling back into old ways of thinking or being.  It’s much easier to create permanent change when your progress can actually be measured.
Plus, as we raise our own vibration it affects EVERYTHING else, it’s actually quite huge!  The calibrations I’ve seen range from 1 to 1199.  Any levels over 99 jump in increments of 100; 199, 299, 399 on up to 1199.  Feel free to share your experience with this calibration method at

*This method can be used to measure frequency as well.
Love & gratitude,
The Ram


Raise My Vibration?

Raise your vibration!  This has been the battle cry from new agers for some time now.  Increasingly so since 2012.  So let’s break it down as to what this means - where and how to begin.

Everything is made of energy, hence all energy is vibrating at various rates or qualities of speed.  Here’s the beauty of it, you can measure the vibratory level of anything yourself!  There’s no need to take anyone else’s word for it, on an energetic level, your Soul knows.  Energy knows energy.
However, the vibratory level is also intrinsically connected to the ability to give and receive Truth, as is shown below.  The vibratory level also reflects the quality of energetic flow, the higher the vibratory level, the more harmonious the flow.
This model represents how vibratory levels relate to us on a personal level.  It includes some information from the ‘Map of Consciousness Chart’ in Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Hold on to your seats folks, this one may be quite a shocker.. it was for me!

Vibratory Level
% of TRUTH
700 - 1000

Who knew guilt and shame vibrated so incredibly low?  When this chart came into my awareness, guilt was like a battle-scar honor badge, worn with pride.  Much effort was required to update that old mode of thinking. 
It’s very easy to imagine how the vibratory level directly correlates to one’s overall health as well.
So on a basic level, it really seems to be all about the STANCE.  Becoming aware of our current STANCE, followed by a decision to make a shift, if we so choose.
-The Ram

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Magic of Garlic

The ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, Greek and Romans all knew the powerful qualities of garlic.  It’s been used throughout the ages to treat and prevent just about any ailment you can imagine.  Perhaps the ancients knew something even more, secrets that have been long since forgotten.

The frequency of a raw garlic bulb is about 13hz.  After chopping up the raw bulb a metamorphosis begins to take place.  The frequency level begins to change, peaking at the magical frequency of 1.5hz in just 7 minutes.  So what’s so special about this base-line frequency?
It’s known as the Tri-thalamic Frequency, the lowest frequency on the Schumann Resonance Scale.  This entrainment frequency has shown to synchronize and unify the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland, optimizing the functions of the entire bodily system!
We are resonate beings, when we eat garlic at its most potent frequency of 1.5hz, the body basically has no other choice but to kick all the bad stuff out.  You can survey the entire body after ingesting this medicinal herb and honestly say to yourself, “Nothing bad can live in here!”
With significant mood elevating properties as well, it’s very useful for combatting depression.  It’s my ‘go-to drug’ whenever I’m in a funk of any kind.  Give it a try.. grab yourself some garlic, a tic-tac or two and let us know how it works for you. 
-The Ram

Sunday, April 5, 2015

What’s Making Me Sick

We can always find an outside source for the cause of illness.  Because that’s what we’ve been taught to do and it’s how the majority of our culture thinks.  What if this way of thinking is completely untrue?  What if illness can’t just jump on you out of the blue?  Wouldn’t that be amazing!
Like clockwork, every year around mid-October, I get sick.  The average way of viewing this would probably be, it’s something in bloom, rag weed, mold etc. and never think any more of it.
Last year I was determined to find the REAL CAUSE of this yearly sickness, before it had the chance to strike again.  So began the Art of stalking my own thoughts.  Diligently paying attention to my inner commentary to isolate and eradicate any unproductive thinking.
Well, it didn’t take long to discover the culprit behind this illusive ‘yearly illness’.  Almost immediately becoming aware of a repetitive inner comment, “I’m so sick of that” and “I’m so sick of this”.  Notice a common denominator here?  The word sick carries and resonates with a vibration of illness.
With this inner thought frequently being repeated in the mind, I was quite unconsciously aligning my energy with the energy of the word ‘sick’.  According to the Universal Law of Attraction, my body would eventually begin to resonate and align with this energy I was creating in my own mind.
It was trade-in time!  Time to replace the unproductive with a new and upgraded view of curiosity.  Whenever, “I’m so..” came up, would quickly change it to “I’m so curious why I feel this way” or “I’m so curious why that is”.
Amazingly, October 2014 was experienced in perfect health, for the first time since I can remember!
Would like to make a note here about the power of expressing in written form, while writing this post a theory developed as to this yearly pattern.  What happens on an energetic level every October that could affect me so strongly, facilitating these thoughts of irritation and dissatisfaction?
The Sun is on a yearly schedule too, traveling through the constellation of Libra at that time of year.  When we’re born, it’s like being imprinted with the energies of the cosmos at that moment in time.  Each of us with our own unique pattern and blending of these cosmic energies.
The Sun was in the fiery constellation of Aries when I was born.  The position of the Sun at one’s birth generally reflects a large part of their main essence.  Aries and Libra are known as polar opposites, operating in opposition to each other.
So, with the Sun in the exact opposite position of its place at my birth, naturally my main essence on a subtle level, may not feel very comfortable.  The idea is that the relative discomfort unconsciously facilitates the unproductive and irritable type thought patterns. 
The study of astrological influences is a wonderful means for observing and understanding personal energetic patterns.  Remember, these energetic influences don’t CAUSE anything, they merely influence. 
Perhaps these planetary/cosmic influences are actually functioning as divine guidance from the Universe.
There’s so much to be discovered by becoming aware of the patterns taking place in our lives.  More on planetary alignments as they relate to health, and polar opposites, very soon.  Cheers!
-The Ram


Friday, April 3, 2015

Lunar Eclipse / Energetic Release

imagery eclipse - © morena - FotoliaThe Moon reflects back to us all kinds of subtle energies that are felt on a deep emotional level.  So deep and subtle in fact, many people don’t even recognize the emotional push and pull of the Moon.

At the full Moon these emotionally charged energies are bounced back to us more strongly than at any other time.  During the eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.  This breaks the energetic connection between them for a brief period of time.
This period of disconnection between the Sun and Moon allows for a clearing and release of unproductive emotional energy.  The Moon essentially resets itself, a powerful resetting because it’s reflecting at its strongest degree just before the eclipse.
As above, so below, at the eclipse we're offered the same opportunity for an emotional clearing, release and reset.  Leading up to this eclipse, you may have experienced old unproductive stuff coming up.  Perhaps it’s like the Universe pointing out what needs to be released.

-The Ram


Monday, March 30, 2015

Castaneda - The Second Ring of Power

“Don Juan said that the core of our being was the act of perceiving, and that the magic of our being was the act of awareness.  For him perception and awareness were a single, functional, inextricable unit, a unit which had two domains.”

“Our ‘first ring of power’ is engaged very early in our lives and we live under the impression that that is all there is to us.  Our ‘second ring of power’ remains hidden for the immense majority of us, and only at the moment of our death is it revealed to us.”
Upon departure, one’s life flashes before their eyes.  In this moment of release from the physical, everything is perceived, all at once.  Our perception can be greatly enhanced during life, we need not wait until death to truly ‘see’.   –The Ram  

“She laughed with true delight and said that the Nagual was right in saying that I was too lazy to remember what I had “seen”; therefore, I only bothered with what I looked at.”
“Is it possible, I thought to myself, that I am unconsciously selecting what I recall?”
“The Nagual said that everyone can see, and yet we choose not to remember what we see.  Now I understand how right he was.  All of us can see; some, more than others.” 

The Fish taught me this fact with one of his imagination experiments.  It was a short task, only took a few moments to imagine it with the eyes open.  After finishing, he said to me; “Okay, so where were you?”
To my shock and amazement, the whole scene took place while I was sitting in a workshop on a tall stool, in front of a butcher-block workbench.  There were all kinds of tools hanging around on the walls, even had an image of what the outside of the workshop looked like.
The strangest part of all were the markers involved.  The markers on the workbench were like none I’d ever seen before! 
So why on Earth would my mind have created markers and a workshop I’d never seen before in such detail, just to imagine drawing some circles on paper?  Would’ve had absolutely no idea about any of those details, if the Fish hadn’t asked where I was.

-The Ram

(Excerpts from The Second Ring of Power by Carlos Castaneda in quotations)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Treasures Within

The year was 2009, had just successfully printed a birth-chart showing the planetary positions and alignments at the moment of being born. It was so beautiful!  Even though at the time, nothing could really be made of it, there was some part of me that knew this little diagram held great secrets!

Boy, was it true!  There is an unlimited amount of treasure to be found within it.  In all actuality it’s pretty easy too.  The energy of each planet represents a part of us, the Moon as emotions, Mars how we take action, Venus how we love, Mercury how we think and communicate.
Where the planets are positioned in the sky reflect how they might behave and which areas of life they will likely be felt the strongest.  It’s like our very own energetic blueprint!  It can really change something inside you too, when seeing the big picture of who you are, and that it's all represented in the heavens, wow! 
Perhaps life isn’t so random after all!  The awareness gained by becoming familiar with one’s energetic makeup can bring much peace, healing and understanding.  Along with guidance that points toward one’s calling and personal life purpose; what we came here to do and learn.
Working with an Astrologer can be very beneficial for anyone interested in #self-awareness.  The Fish and I both personally work with +Leah Whitehorse of Lua Astrology.  A highly intuitive and knowledgeable Astrologer, she reads and explains the energies in a most beautiful and profound way.  Bringing to light many aspects of the self that we may not recognize within ourselves or that we keep unconsciously hidden.
Each and every one of us is so much more than we realize!

-The Ram