Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Inner Experience

Meditation is a hot topic, everyone seems to be doing it, but nobody’s talking about it.  And yes, there are a lot of different ideas as to, what the whole purpose for meditation actually is.  For myself, it has always been about the inner experience.  As if, some part of myself KNOWS the wealth of knowledge to be gained.

As one goes into deeper states of mind, brief experiences of the mystical nature will most likely occur.  So brief in fact, it may seem as if no sense will ever be made out of any of it!  Perhaps that’s why nobody’s talking.
So let’s explore these elusive ‘deeper states of mind’.  Scientifically, they can be defined as brainwave frequency levels.  When awake most of us function at Beta frequency, as we relax and just before falling asleep we enter Alpha frequency, at this time more of the brain is lit up and the pupils are larger.
If you can stay awake and hang in Alpha long enough, being open, quiet and receptive, then you’re on to Theta frequency.  At Theta, the brain is lit up like a Christmas tree!  The receiving station is now open! 
This is all good and well, but the hitch is, if a thought occurs about what you’re experiencing, you get kicked right out of Theta straight back to Beta, not slowing down enough to even sniff Alpha.  As soon as a thought occurs, poof!  Experience gone!
The trick is, reaching and sustaining the Theta frequency, allowing for the experience to unfold.  Receiving the communication/feedback from the higher-self, sub-conscious mind or Spirit, whichever is your view.
The sustainability of Theta frequency can easily be achieved if one has the desire, through the use of sound/vibration.  My preference is Native American drumming, this vibration allows one to stay in the Theta state, even if a thought or two happens to pop up.
Note that Theta frequency is usually only reached in the ‘dream state’ during sleep.  So in a way, the inner/Theta experience could be defined as ‘conscious dreaming’.  Dreams offer us valuable communication from sub-conscious mind or inner/higher self, as does the inner experience.
Many of these inner experiences can be interpreted and understood symbolically, as in FUNCTION vs. FORM.  Writing them down is essential, they are like dreams and will fade from memory quickly.  Write on one side of the page, then pick out the symbols and define them on the other side.  You’ll be amazed at the discoveries!
Click here for three wonderful reference guides for FUNCTION vs. FORM (Universal Language of Mind)
Note that one’s vibratory level may be a factor in the quality of the inner experience.  The vibratory level directly corresponds to the quality of energies one is resonating with.  Click here for more information on vibratory levels.

-The Ram


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