Sunday, April 5, 2015

What’s Making Me Sick

We can always find an outside source for the cause of illness.  Because that’s what we’ve been taught to do and it’s how the majority of our culture thinks.  What if this way of thinking is completely untrue?  What if illness can’t just jump on you out of the blue?  Wouldn’t that be amazing!
Like clockwork, every year around mid-October, I get sick.  The average way of viewing this would probably be, it’s something in bloom, rag weed, mold etc. and never think any more of it.
Last year I was determined to find the REAL CAUSE of this yearly sickness, before it had the chance to strike again.  So began the Art of stalking my own thoughts.  Diligently paying attention to my inner commentary to isolate and eradicate any unproductive thinking.
Well, it didn’t take long to discover the culprit behind this illusive ‘yearly illness’.  Almost immediately becoming aware of a repetitive inner comment, “I’m so sick of that” and “I’m so sick of this”.  Notice a common denominator here?  The word sick carries and resonates with a vibration of illness.
With this inner thought frequently being repeated in the mind, I was quite unconsciously aligning my energy with the energy of the word ‘sick’.  According to the Universal Law of Attraction, my body would eventually begin to resonate and align with this energy I was creating in my own mind.
It was trade-in time!  Time to replace the unproductive with a new and upgraded view of curiosity.  Whenever, “I’m so..” came up, would quickly change it to “I’m so curious why I feel this way” or “I’m so curious why that is”.
Amazingly, October 2014 was experienced in perfect health, for the first time since I can remember!
Would like to make a note here about the power of expressing in written form, while writing this post a theory developed as to this yearly pattern.  What happens on an energetic level every October that could affect me so strongly, facilitating these thoughts of irritation and dissatisfaction?
The Sun is on a yearly schedule too, traveling through the constellation of Libra at that time of year.  When we’re born, it’s like being imprinted with the energies of the cosmos at that moment in time.  Each of us with our own unique pattern and blending of these cosmic energies.
The Sun was in the fiery constellation of Aries when I was born.  The position of the Sun at one’s birth generally reflects a large part of their main essence.  Aries and Libra are known as polar opposites, operating in opposition to each other.
So, with the Sun in the exact opposite position of its place at my birth, naturally my main essence on a subtle level, may not feel very comfortable.  The idea is that the relative discomfort unconsciously facilitates the unproductive and irritable type thought patterns. 
The study of astrological influences is a wonderful means for observing and understanding personal energetic patterns.  Remember, these energetic influences don’t CAUSE anything, they merely influence. 
Perhaps these planetary/cosmic influences are actually functioning as divine guidance from the Universe.
There’s so much to be discovered by becoming aware of the patterns taking place in our lives.  More on planetary alignments as they relate to health, and polar opposites, very soon.  Cheers!
-The Ram


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