Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Moon & Jupiter in Sagittarius

Inner Expansion! Waning MOON meets JUPITER in high aiming SAGITTARIUS with true inner vision!

A combo package meetup with Jupiter teaching class in his own domain! Waning Inner release, plus Jupiter expansion!

A closing down of the old, for returning to the awesome, the illumined and the true! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:

THE SHOP CLOSED, CHINESE LAUNDRYMEN REVERT TO RACE TYPE. Aspects in charge of outer expression close up shop and return to being true.

A perfect follow up for the harmonization of the Half Waning Moon and a lovely prelude to Venus entering the Aquarian sign of authentic originality, on Friday.

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Waning Sagittarius Moon

Expansive Inner Release

Half Waning MOON in SAGITTARIUS, the mutable fire sign of Expansive Maneuverability!

7° Sagittarius

We're halfway through the fortnight of this waning moon (inner release phase) where devotion to a higher aim is key!

LYRA is the constellation for this area of Sagittarius. The great heavenly harp that brings harmony to discord.

Harmony raises the vibration! Resulting in a higher vibratory rate that spans across multiple levels of consciousness.

While our main focus is on the Outer world, the Moon reflects Inner awareness, just as Sagittarius points to Higher awareness.

Some say, creation occurs as the outer thinking is replicated in the inner mind. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree:


In all spheres of Creation, creative elements are fashioned.

Time to notice what brings harmony into the experience! The Half Waning Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon.

Photo by Spencer Imbrock

Friday, February 22, 2019

Venus & Pluto in Capricorn

Transformative Love 

VENUS meets PLUTO in high climbing CAPRICORN where Useful Idealism is key! 

22° Capricorn

Capricorn is where we bring our gifts into the world, and put’em to use! Powered by the useful idealism of a higher or noble principle, purpose, or goal. 

This planetary meetup (occurring once a year) aptly reflects the transformative nature of pursuing what we love! The Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 

A SOLDIER RECEIVES DECOROUSLY TWO AWARDS FOR BRAVERY. An aspect dedicated to security and freedom receives accolades for courageous acts. 

Oh, the courage to do what we love! With two rewards! Making for a joyful Outer Sun and a super-happy Inner Moon! Yes, Love Transforms Everything! 

Powerful Pluto is a slow mover with an orbital period of 248 years. Pluto teaches class on this degree through March with more meetups here, to come. 

Photo by Leio McLaren 
Insta: @leiomclaren

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

VIRGO Full Moon


Full Inner Awareness as the Moon aligns exactly opposite the Sun. 

The inner (build cycle) of the waxing moon draws to a close and the fortnight of the waning moon (release cycle) begins.

The picture symbol for this Full Moon at 0° Virgo reflects the full potential of the Virgoan analytical thought process.


In a manifested mental image, harmonious aspects are held in high esteem.

The VIRGO Full Moon occurs exactly opposite the Sun in PISCES, just as the rulers of these celestial lands, meet

Neptune rules Imaginative Pisces and Mercury rules Analytical Virgo. Sounds like the whole right brain, left brain thing! 

As always, when the two work as one, look out baby! Whether it be the right brain, left brain, or the Inner Moon and Outer Sun! 

Photo by Drew Tilk 

Mercury & Neptune in Pisces

Mind & Imagination

MERCURY meets NEPTUNE in PISCES where the theme is Complete Dedication

Mind & Imagination

Like doing something that’s really hard and perhaps even, kind of scary! Yet, somehow there's complete dedication towards it. 

The position of Pisces in the heavens at the moment of birth, relays the area of life, where one is most likely to put forth this kind of complete dedication. 

The position of Neptune at birth relays the interests of the Imagination. The position of Mercury reflects the predisposition and interests of the Mind. 

This Imaginative Mind meetup is rather like an educational tour through the realms of our long held belief systems. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 


In a quiet place of mind where long standing beliefs are held, the creative imagination is sparked. 

So perfect for the VIRGO Full Moon occurring today! The SUN & MOON opposite one another in Pisces & Virgo, just as the rulers of these two celestial lands meet! 

Neptune rules Imaginative Pisces and Mercury rules Analytical Virgo. Really sounds like the whole right brain, left brain, thing! As always, when the two work as one, look out baby! 

Photo by Kevin Laminto 

Monday, February 18, 2019

SUN in Pisces

Experience & Understanding

A big day! All before the SUN makes grand entrance into Pisces, where the outer focus shifts from the Authentic Thinking of Aquarius to the Pisces Understanding of Experience 

Just before this big outer shift CHIRON enters Aries, VENUS meets SATURN, and PALLAS goes Rx. As the Sun enters Pisces the celestial bells ring, “Let the advanced classes begin!”  

The 1st-12th grades of elementary education are rather similar to celestial school view! PISCES is the 12th grade level of understanding, the final classes just before the ARIES 1st grade lessons begin again, at Spring Equinox. 

Pisces is the 12th sign that marks the end of winter, the culmination of the four seasons of experience. Aries is the 1st sign that marks the first day of spring as the celestial calendar year, begins anew. 

As the fixed air (thought stabilizing) Season of Aquarius draws to a close, the mutable water sign Season of PISCES (maneuverable experience) begins! WATER is the element of experience. 

PISCES is the only mutable water sign! The focus shifts from stabilizing (fixed) energy, to that of (mutable) maneuverability for the SUN & MOON. A commonly shared mutable approach, with the flexibility required for understanding. 

The Outer SUN tours the mutable water sign of Pisces 2/18-3/20 where understanding the experiences is key. The Inner MOON covers the (mutable energy) expressions of all four elements; FIRE, WATER, AIR, and EARTH in its main phases throughout the celestial month of Pisces, too!

2/18-3/20 SUN in PISCES (Moons)

Feb19 Virgo FULL MOON (mutable earth) 
Feb26 Sag. Half Waning MOON (mutable fire) 
Mar6 Pisces NEW MOON (mutable water) 
Mar14 Gemini Half Waxing MOON (mutable air)

Pisces Season Planetary Meetups 

Feb22 VENUS/PLUTO – Transformative LOVE 
Mar6 SUN/NEPTUNE – Outer Imagination 
Mar14 SUN/MERCURY Rx – Outer MIND 

Pisces Season Moon Meetups 

Mar6 MOON/SUN – Inner and OUTER 

Pisces Season Energetic Shifts 

Mar1 VENUS in AQUARIUS – Knowing Love 
Mar6 URANUS in TAURUS – Insightful Value

Pisces Season Retrogrades 

Mar5 MERCURY goes Retrograde

Pisces Season Holidays

Photo by Saksham Gangwar

PALLAS Rx Mission

Understanding the Creative Principle 


Pallas Rx Mission 2019

Asteroid (2)PALLAS is the energy of wisdom and pattern recognition. LIBRA is the only cardinal air sign and the realm where thought leads the way! 

Pallas begins backtrack motion from the very last degree of Libra. This Pallas Rx Mission is all about Creative Knowledge. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 


Knowledge of the creative principle is found in the thinking realm of one who seeks truth.

Photo by Joey Kyber

Venus & Saturn in Capricorn

VENUS meets SATURN in CAPRICORN where the theme is Useful Dedication! Saturn has been here for a bit, tapping straight into this natal Moon! 

Capricorn Moon

The earthy receptivity of Venus and the structural teachings of Saturn are definitely here with energetic purpose! Rather like a pushing forth of the Inner Self.  

The picture symbol for this degree: REPRESSED WOMAN FINDS PSYCHOLOGICAL RELEASE IN NUDISM. An inner aspect of self, discovers liberation of the mind, through honest expression.

The great structural teacher Saturn comes around about, every 28 years. Its energetic influence is so powerful, its journey is most often marked in 7 year increments. 

The ancients viewed each seventh year in the life of man, as a Sabbath year. Much like the 7th day is a Sabbath, so the seventh year is also considered a Sabbath. 

The Essenes spoke of something called the seventh Sabbath. In search of the celestial connections to this, have measured 7 week intervals, every which way, to no avail. 

Until coming across ancient texts that refer to the seventh Sabbath as the (7x7) 49th year in the life of man, which directly precedes the 50th year called the Jubilee! 

Notably, we now have a planetary body that reflects this epic 50th jubilee year, named Chiron! The great teacher and mentor to the heroes of old that just entered Aries.

Tapping straight into this one’s natal Sun! The Inner MOON and Outer SUN getting tapped at the same time! Transiting planets with a slower roll, tend to stay awhile, too! 

Aries Sun

Chiron was also a renowned Astrologer! Perhaps he assisted the great heroes with their own unique gifts! Easily viewed, in their natal chart; picture of the heavens at birth. 

Very grateful for the teachings of Venus, Saturn, and Chiron! Earthy receptivity and structural lessons for the Inner Moon, along with sage guidance for the Outer Sun!

Chiron in Aries

CHIRON enters ARIES for an extended 8 year stay! 

With an orbital period of 50 years, Chiron’s last full tour of Aries began in January of 1969. 

It seems the ancients had inner knowledge of this planetary body and its healer, teacher, guide vibes. As they called the fiftieth year; a Jubilee year.  

This will be the first Chiron tour through Aries, with actual physical awareness of it! As Chiron was discovered in 1977 just after the last Aries 8 year tour. 

Aries is the very first sign, it’s where the journey begins! Its first degree marks the passover from winter to spring; the beginning of the celestial year! 

For the (hero mentor) Chiron, it takes 50 years to tour the full 360 degrees of our celestial sphere. The SUN takes 1 year, and the Moon takes 1 month. 

Like the magnificent celestial timepiece revealed to Enoch. A view of the heavenly landscape with the planetary bodies, keeping perfect time! 

Photo by Filip Filipov

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mars in Taurus

MARS enters TAURUS where the focus shifts to; Actions that provide Value! Mars leaves his crown behind in his own domain of charge-ahead Aries.

Valentine's Day Action

To embark on a grand tour of the earthy, stabilizing realm of Taurus, the celestial land belonging to his Lady Love. And, earthy receptive Venus is all about Value! 

Venus is in charge of two celestial signs Taurus and Libra. In Taurus, the receptive gathering up is done. In Libra, all that’s gathered is weighed upon golden scales. 

Mottoes of these Venusian lands; TAURUS (I Have), LIBRA (I Balance). The Sabian picture symbol at this zero degree gate of Taurus suggests the gathering of experiences. 

A CLEAR MOUNTAIN STREAM FLOWS THROUGH A ROCKY DEFILE. Life experiences that flow through the channel of the will, are easiest to perceive and understand. 

The Universal symbols representing the will; Rocks and Stones that form in the earth reflect the inner will and a Horse is used to symbolize the outer will. 

The word (will) is defined as: expressing in the future tense. Perhaps the ticket is rather like, bringing the desires into the world, by means of determined actions. 

The stabilizing (fixed), earth sign energy of Determined TAURUS is now lit up with MARS Action! How perfect is that! Mars tours Taurus through the whole month of March. 

Happy Valentine’s Day 2019!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mars & Uranus in Aries

A shift is coming! MARS meets URANUS on the very last degree of ARIES where the theme is Heroic Activity!

Sabian Symbols

Mars Action and the Sudden Insight of Uranus! Along with the constellation of Perseus kind of Heroism that rides upon the Inspiration of Pegasus

Oh, the epic celestial story our ancestors once knew! The last lesson of Aries Activity is aptly reflected in the Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 

YOUNG DUCKLINGS DISPORT THEMSELVES MERRILY UPON A POND. Developing thought forms of comfort and security, frolic happily into the experiences. 

MARS gives up the crown tomorrow upon entering the determined stabilizing domain of Taurus where his counterpart Venus wears the crown. 

How lovely for Valentine’s Day! As Mars embarks on a tour through the celestial lands of Taurus; the fixed earth sign belonging to his Lady Love. 

Image: Google Sky Map 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Half Waxing Moon in Taurus

Inner Build Mode in TAURUS where the Art of Mastership brings useful stabilization into the experiences!

Venus and Saturn are the teachers in this third decan of Taurus, where Art of Venus is blended with the Mastership of Saturn.  

The constellation for this area of Taurus is the Master Charioteer AURIGA who holds a horse bridle; a means of controlling the will. 

According to myth, he was inventor of the four horse chariot, called the quadriga. Symbolizing control over the 4-elements of the outer will. 

The Fire, Earth, Air, and Water elements of the will. The Inner Flame, the Body of Matter, the Realm of Thought, and Waters of Experience. 

Reflecting a certain Mastership of the personal desires, actions, thoughts and feelings. Auriga also holds, a mama goat and two kids. 

Mastership over these 4-elements of the outer will, brings with it, a certain receptivity to the energies of Useful, Loving, Abundance.

This finishes up the 4-phases of this (fixed sign) moon cycle. Up next, a 4-phase moon cycle of the (mutable sign) variety, as the Sun enters mutable Pisces. 

The HALF WAXING MOON rises at noon and sets at midnight. Inner Building Mode for 7 more days, leading up to number (4 of 5) Full Moons in a row, at zero degrees. 

All culminating up to the epic 5th full moon that occurs on the Spring Equinox (passover from winter to spring). During this reign of Aries, an extra (cardinal sign) moon, too! 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Juno in Gemini

JUNO enters GEMINI with Commitment to the Thinking! Committed Juno tours this Mercury ruled sign of the mind, through April 20th. 

0° Gemini

GEMINI is the ultimate symbol for the dual roles of mind. The inner subconscious mind and the outer conscious mind; the Intuition and the Reasoning. 

The first ten degrees of Gemini are focused on the Intuitive side of mind, represented in the heavens by the LITTLE BEAR, or the Little Dipper. 

Notably, the tip of the Little Bear’s tail is known as the stationary Pole Star of Truth! All others travel and wander, all but the great North Star of Polaris! 

There is much to a name! Polaris, the stationary Pole Star of Truth, just happens to be extraordinarily aligned with the actual, polar axis of the Earth! 

Ruler of the land (Mercury) just entered Pisces where the constellation is CEPHEUS the Celestial King whose foot rests on this Pole Star of Truth! 

The Sabian picture symbol for the very first degree at the front gate of Gemini keeps with the newly running theme of looking deeply into the experiences. 

GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDER-SEA WONDERS. A means of looking deeply into the experiences, reveals the wonderment and awe, of it all! 

Photo by Shaun Low

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Moon, Mars & Uranus in Aries

MOON meets MARS & URANUS in ARIES! Under the charge of Epic Hero PERSEUS!

Constellation Perseus

Famed for conquering the mythic monsters of old, which symbolize unknown thought forms of the (havoc wreaking) variety. 

Sure puts a whole new spin on the idea of Heroic Activity! Perfect for the Mercury in Pisces shift that occurred today, too!

Assessing the beliefs; letting the old worn out stuff go, to make room for the new, and the productive to grow! 

Inner/Action! MOON meets the radiance of ruling MARS in his own home domain, at 27° ARIES on the picture symbol: 

A CROWD APPLAUDS A MAN WHO SHATTERED A DEAR ILLUSION. Many aspects greatly approve the revealing of a dearly held false belief.

Inner/Insight! Inner MOON meets the sudden revolutionary insight of URANUS at 29° ARIES on the picture symbol: 

YOUNG DUCKLINGS DISPORT THEMSELVES MERRILY UPON A POND. Developing thought forms of comfort and security, frolic happily into the life experiences.

Image: Google Sky Map  

Mercury in Pisces

A big shift of Mind! As MERCURY enters PISCES where the mind sets to taking inventory of the personal beliefs! 

Mercury in Pisces 2019

Pisces is the twelfth and final sign, reflective of the advanced classes. Where finals are taken, just before beginning anew, in the very first sign of Aries. 

Mercury precedes the Sun into Pisces, by 8 days. The tie that binds these two celestial fish reflects spiritual knowledge of the Inner and Outer connection.

Imaginative Spiritual NEPTUNE and Expansive Teacher JUPITER are the energetic rulers here in Pisces. Easy to see why spiritual knowledge is in the spotlight. 

The picture symbol for this first degree of Pisces reflects the energies in play as the mind begins assessing the knowledge gained throughout this celestial tour. 

IN A CROWDED MARKET FARMERS AND MIDDLEMEN DISPLAY THEIR GOODS. In a busy place of mind where value is assessed, aspects that cultivate and promote knowledge present their goods. 

A recap of the mind’s journey through the previous eleven, celestial landscapes and lesson plans. As Mercury now concludes this celestial tour that began in March. 

Notably, the day was March 6th 2018 when both Mercury & Venus began their celestial tour anew. Hand in hand, entering Aries together, on the very same day!

Photo by Ian Schneider

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Moon & Neptune in Pisces

MOON meets ruling NEPTUNE in his own domain of PISCES where the theme is Complete Dedication! 

Sabian Symbol

Like doing something that’s really hard and perhaps even kind of scary! Yet, there's complete dedication towards this unique personal mission. 

The position of Pisces in the heavens at the moment of birth, relays the area of life that one is most likely to put forth this kind of complete dedication towards. 

The position of Neptune at birth relays the interests of the Imagination. The position of the Moon reflects the predisposition and interests of the Inner Self. 

This Inner Imagination meetup is rather like an educational tour through the realms of our long held belief systems. The Sabian symbol for this degree: 

IN A QUIET MUSEUM, AN ART STUDENT DRINKS IN INSPIRATION. In a quiet place of mind where long standing beliefs are held, the creative imagination is sparked. 

Notably, the Outer Sun is currently touring the INSPIRATION area of Aquarius, represented by the great mythical horse, the constellation of PEGASUS. 

The constellation for this area of Pisces is ANDROMEDA the princess that gave herself to save the kingdom and in turn is rescued by Perseus who arrives on the scene, riding upon Pegasus. 

Inspired Heroic Activity to the Rescue! Oh, the epic celestial story found in the myths of old. What makes this meetup so extraordinary! Let's look ahead, a bit. 

The mental focus shifts to (Beliefs of the Mind) as MERCURY enters PISCES on Sunday, along with a MOON/MARS meetup in the Aries domain of Perseus. 

Moon meets Mars with Inner Action towards the Heroic Activities of Perseus; where the revealing of a dearly held false belief is met with great approval.

Image: Google Sky Map 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Moon & Mercury in Aquarius

Inner Mind

MOON meets MERCURY in AQUARIUS where the theme is: Discovery of the Unknown!


The constellation for this area of Aquarius is the great sea monster CETUS. Notably, the largest constellation of all, which sure explains a lot!

A sea monster is symbolic of unknown thought forms within conscious life experiences. Unknown thoughts, relate to unconscious thinking.

Thoughts that repeat over and over, like background noise there's no awareness of. Luckily, the motto here in Aquarius is “I KNOW.”

Aquarius is the Water Bearer (bringer of experience), and sign of the Star (higher awareness). The goal is to bring higher awareness to the experiences!

What a wonderful ideal for the Aquarian Age! Aquarius also rules Astrology! A means of getting better acquainted with the many aspects of self.

With the recent MOON/VENUS meetup and Venus just entering Capricorn, Lady Love has certainly been at the forefront of the mind.

Like how Venus Energy is experienced so uniquely for everyone! As each natal Venus has its own particular (likes and dislikes).

What are the odds of this meetup occurring on the very same degree as natal Venus! Front and center, for a deep personal view.

Birth-chart Tapestry
Birth-chart Tapestry

The Sabian symbol for this degree suggests an outer self that stays engaged with the inner self, especially in the dream state.

A WOMAN IS DISAPPOINTED, AS A MAN LEAVES HER BOUDOIR. Inner displeasure when the outer self, disengages from the place in mind for assimilation.

This natal Venus is definitely happier when the outer self works with the dreams. Connecting with the inner self and gaining valuable subconscious feedback.

Cover photo by Mak Mozza 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Unique New Moon  

As the Moon & Sun meet exactly in between 

Winter & Spring! 

We're now over the hump as the approach of Spring draws ever so near! The little flower blooms seem to be Nature's way of saying; "Yes! It's oh, so true." 

This New Moon and the Scorpio New Moon occurring back in Nov, both took place on one of these significant (exactly between the seasons) degrees. 

The cross quarter days! As the Sun reaches 15° of one the four fixed signs; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. To look this up, is to find a lot of witchy stuff. 

Cross Quarter Days

Simply unbelievable the celestial landscape and planetary motions could ever be viewed or portrayed in such a way. Notably, a degradated view for the public. 

But extraordinarily aligned with the big government stuff, like Election Day and the State of the State/Union Addresses. Mmmhh, sure makes one wonder! 

The New Moon is a celestial reflection of the Outer & Inner (Sun & Moon) alignment that occurs every month, though it goes mostly unnoticed. 

The theme for this very special; cross quarter day, Aquarian New Moon is Inspiration! The constellation for this area of Aquarius is the great mythical horse PEGASUS

The symbolic nature of the epic stories and images from the days of old, are something to behold! PEGASUS reflects the freedom of mind, willpower can bring! 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Venus in Capricorn

Earthy LOVE

VENUS enters the CAPRICORN realm of Useful Structure 

Earthy LOVE

Lady Love tours Capricorn through March 1st with her eyes on the prize! Bringing her own unique gifts into the world!

How fitting for Venus to be on a celestial mission such as this during the February Valentine month of Love! And just what gifts does Venus bring! 

It’s quite unique for everyone! Perhaps, this is why Venus Energy is mostly overlooked; uniqueness lacks the common collective experience.

Astrology provides a means for greater awareness of this personal Venus Energy. The position of Venus at birth reflects her energetic qualities.

Notably, what she loves, what she wants, and also her approach! As in, how to go about obtaining all of this, which she whole heartedly seeks.

Just like the position of the SUN at birth reflects the energetic drives of the Outer Self, the position of VENUS at birth relays energies of Love. 

There’s a whole epic tale of each person’s complete astrological wiring that fits right along with their personal Venus Energy predilections. 

Venus Love Mug Art

Venus/Love Coffee Mug Art! A daily reminder of our epic uniqueness. Perfect timing for the 2019 SUN in AQUARIUS Season of Authentic Originality! 

Cover Photo by Patryk Sobchak  

Venus/Love ❤ Coffee Mug Art by AstroPrintGirl 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Moon, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn

Inner MOON meets Structural SATURN and Transformative PLUTO in CAPRICORN where the theme is: Bringing our gifts into the world and put'em to Use! 

Saturn & Pluto are in Capricorn with quite the long term lesson plan! Saturn in reigning position, in his own domain through 2020 and Pluto is here until 2023. Yes, these dudes are working on the old “status quo.” 

Wonder how different the world might look after these Structurally Transformative classes throughout this period of time. Perhaps greater attention will once again be given to everyone’s own unique gifts! 

Moon meets Saturn at 15° Capricorn 
Moon meets Pluto at 21° Capricorn 

Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan

Vesta in Pisces

Inner Flame of Truth

Flame Keeper VESTA enters PISCES where true principles of fundamental importance, reign supreme!

Pisces is the twelfth and final sign reflecting the advanced lessons of our celestial sphere. VESTA makes grand entrance, preceding Mercury and the Sun, to enter Pisces later this month. 

Asteroid Vesta was named after the goddess energy of (home & hearth). Symbolically, this translates to (focus of the mind). Home is symbolic of the mind and hearth is the central focus.

VESTA entered Pisces, Feb 1st. Drawing the inner flame to what really matters, both individually and collectively. The orbit of Vesta is 3.63 years, her last Pisces tour began in March of 2015. 

Looking back to the energetic correlations between now and late March 2015 may be of interest, with a real "focus on the fundamentals" kind of vibe. The Sabian picture symbol for this degree: 


In a busy place of mind for assessing value, aspects that cultivate and promote knowledge present their goods.